A ongoing list of (Japanese) anime I have seen

To try out this new blogging tool, I just decide to make an attempt to list all the anime I have watched.

1The motivation

Someone who shares videos on sukebei always gives one or two sentence of comment on the content. I'm not sure if that is a trend or not but I think it is funny and at certain point decided to do something similar.

1.1What are the rules?

If there are multiple sequel, only the first season's year would be recorded here. There order has no particular meaning.1 Some are TV anime but some are OVA. Only anime I managed to finish watching would be listed here. Sometimes I would reference the original comic or novels but that doesn't mean I have finishes read original works.

For the very special occasion that the first season is not available to me thus I only started in the middle, I'll make a note.

Recent years there starts to be a popular trend to have mini anime that are only about 10 minutes long2, for certain considerations they are not listed here.


This list is still work in progress. Some of the anime I have watched long ago are not yet put on this list, because I need the effort to remember them.


An Atom feed is available from https://ldbeth.sdf.org/articles/anime.xml. I have been lazy so they might not be up-to-date. Actually, it is more about the new anime I'm watching.

2The list

2.1As of year 2022

Title Year Description
FLCL 2000 FLCL? What is that? It means probably XXOO. Haruko is so far still my favorite heroine. I have also watched the sequel around 2018, among "Progressive" and "Alternative" I like "Alternative" better.
Kill Me Baby 2012 Teenage High School Ninja Girl~ For the reason that 高部あい was arrested for drug abuse, there will be no sequel. The OST uses lots of synth.
電波女と青春男 2011 I really like the theme song. Do you also believe you are Uchuujin?
機巧少女は傷つかない 2013 What all I could remember is that the machine dolls are erotic. The ending song is also very impressive.
東京喰種 2014 The story behind the anime how the author gets better from suffering depression. I had skipped something, as the anime series was not able to fully reflect the manga.
HUNTER x HUNTER 2011 I watched the new TV anime series. I'm too impressed by Machi's breast. (If you know which scene I'm talking about, lol.)
新世紀エヴァンゲリオン 1995 Fly me to the moon, and let me play among the stars~
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED 2005 My generation's first Gundam anime. My pseudo name Jair is from a mis-translation of KiraYamato.
機動戦士ガンダムUC 2010 Younger people's first Gundam anime. Made by New Gundum Father, lol.
これはゾンビですか? 2012 It is very interesting that each episode there would be a different voice actor for Eucliwood (in imagination). And Haruna doesn't wear bra, lol.
いぬかみっ! 2006 新日暮里!! For the strange taste of author there are tons of naked muscling men in this anime. To be honest the ending song was the only reason I watched it.
甘城ブリリアントパーク 2014 I guess you might be more familiar with Moffle from Full Metal Panic! series.
戦闘員、派遣します! 2021 This is the anime about robot, I promise! I love this better than KoNoSuBa.
健全ロボダイミダラー 2014 Yet another robotic anime. All the penguins have their front tails. That is the theme of this anime.
Zombie Land Saga 2018 I don't usually watch idol themed anime, but this one is an exception to me. The music is really good.
聖痕のクェイサー 2012 This is where I learn about Russian culture. ;D Actually I have read a novel about Hydrogen element Qwaser.
這いよれ!ニャル子さん 2009 Young people's first Cthulhu anime. Sanji pinchi Sanji pinchi...
灼眼のシャナ 2005 This is the first light novel I have read. Who don't love a tsudere loli? By the way Costume Party is from this anime. And for a long period when I was using Android phone Shana is my wallpaper.
犬とハサミは使いよう 2013 This is so called meta writing, writing about writing. The editor is notably an impressive pathetic M.
ReLIFE 2016 When I watched this I am already 22, feels lots of resonate with the story. But I was too into NTR fascination when watching this. Can I still be saved?
BURN THE WITCH 2022 A very impressive OVA that I would think it is a TRIGGER anime but it is not. There is witch but nothing was burnt.
QUALIDEA CODE 2016 TenkawaMaihime is that cute that I set her as my iPhone XR wallpaper. The setting is good but there are some problem with the executing of this anime project.
Angel Beats! 2010 I have played the first part of the galgame but the second part was never announced! It is the wallpaper when I was still using a cell phone with buttons. While it my seems the time seems to be convoluted the fact is I was still using that kind of phone around 2012.
未来日記 2011 Best waifu is the yandere waifu? The comic was much earlier than the production of anime I think.
俺、ツインテールになります。 2014 Crossing dressing magical boys? Yes!
撲殺天使ドクロちゃん 2005 One of the depraved magical girl trilogy. Pipirupirupurupipirupi~
大魔法峠 2006 One of the depraved magical girl trilogy. Among one of the delinquent girls looks really like Yuuka from Touhou Project.
ナースウィッチ小麦ちゃんマジカルて 2002 One of the depraved magical girl trilogy. The original The Soul Taker was so infamous that this OVA looks strange.
断裁分離のクライムエッジ 2013 I think I have erotic fetishism to long hair after I watched this. And I do have thinning shears.
High Score Girl 2018 I don't play that much arcade games, but I was a fans of KOF.
Hellsing 2001 I think I would recommend to watch the remake OVA instead. Very cute vampire girl.
No Surface Moon 2001 I strongly feel that this is a cult movie.
Chobits 2002 First anime DVD that I have purchased. Which weirdo put the switch to that place?
現実主義勇者王国再建記 2021 Talking about politics may be a little bit naive. Overall I do like the feeling of it.
ケメコデラックス! 2008 I kinda like the EVA reference in manga.
魔法少女 俺 2018 I thought, it is a reference to MAGI for some reason. I was not able to finish MAGI by the way.
輪るピングドラム 2011 The topic is very heavy, and I made large effort to understand it. My favorite song is Rock Over Japan.
人類は衰退しました 2012 Regardless of the harmless appearing, I think this is kind of dark fantasy type and somewhat erotic.
棺姫のチャイカ 2014 Not very impressive except the dragon girl bites fish head has become a meme. Besides, when I was young I think using a coffin as weapon is very cool. There was a child fantasy book I have read that the protagonist uses his grandfather's coffin which is made of large chunks of hardest Titian's scale which is also one of the most rare kind of ores.
KILL la KILL 2013 A very classical TRIGGER anime. How about joining nudist beach?
ISLAND 2018 I love the story so much that I brought the orginal game. It is a good game if you don't just think this as if just about dating girls.
富豪刑事 Balance:UNLIMITED 2020 Something that you would actually expect in TV drama.
Ajin 2016 Using only 3D models doesn't make this a bad anime. In fact I really like the style of it.
BEATLESS 2018 One of the best science fiction I like, and it is about boy meets machine girl. Do you know there is an ero game called AIDeal which is almost the same in the story?
Baccano! 2007 The author just made up the name which no meaning. It is about a bottle of wine that gives people eternal life.
DARKER THAN BLACK 2007 What is your special ability? This is one of those anime that have white hair girls.
In/Spectre 2020 I am a big fan of Katawa Shoujo.
無能なナナ 2020 It is the anti-stereotype type of anime. Many was offended because who they thought would be the hero just died in the first episode.
ああっ女神さまっ 1993 This is the OVA version, I like it better that the later TV series because it was made as Celluloid anime.
ぱにぽにだっしゅ! 2005 It is too complex to comprehend, even with annotations.
ぬらりひょんの孫 2010 Recommended by a classmate during middle school, but I have only watch it at much later time.
ラーメン大好き小泉さん 2018 There was many food themed anime that time. I'm not sure if there is a movie related to this one.
俺の脳内選択肢が、学園ラブコメを全力で邪魔している 2013 So far the longest title in this list. All of the three girls have their charming points. The "IF" story at the end of every episode makes think that I'm glad I was not forced to do any pervert things.
彼女がフラグをおられたら 2013 Very straightforward to understand, and at episode 13 some very weird development happened.
NOGAME NOLIFE 2017 Candy like color, and the music was impressive.
天元突破グレンラガン 2007 Although it was very famous, I have only watched it after seen lots of reference in a game.
賭ケグルイ 2017 It is very interesting to see the deformed faces portrayed in this anime.
THE UNLIMITED -兵部京介- 2013 The setting was from a very old series about ESP girls, but this dark side story makes the orginal setting much better.
世界最高の暗殺者、異世界貴族に転生する 2021 An example of fine anime production of around that time. I do like a little sister like elder relative chara.
CROSS ANGE 2014 Sunrise robot anime, which rarely features a heroine. Many says she is just like daughter of Kira from Gundam SEED. The story development got wild soon.
さんかれあ 2012 Zombie themed love story. Such a sorrow mood that would be rarely found on animation made after that time period.
SPEED GRAPHER 2005 It is too hard to refuse admitting that this is more irony than a proper story. If you think about it what they've did are pointless but this doesn't mean it is not worth doing so.
Lycoris Recoil 2022 In certain ways its story is underdeveloped, but isn't is nice to watch special agents in JK? There are so much nice thing we haven't ever noticed, but shouldn't we just get started to make our own choices?
私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い! 2012 "君がいた夏は 遠い夢の中 空に消えてった 打ち上げ花火" I heard this song first time from this anime, in the most despair setting.
よふかしのうた 2022 Wondering at the night, the miserable vampire. There are not much easy
お兄ちゃんのことなんかぜんぜん好きじゃないんだからねっ!! 2011 A even longer title. The style is like MARIA HOLIC to me. My preference is an older sisters who pretends to be younger.
Maria†Holic 2009 The most interesting cross dressing themed manga I have seen. The theme song was impressive to me.
Black Bullet 2014 I have heard the opening song long times ago, but only watched the anime very lately. A good quality one with all the lolis of the 10's, although the original novel discontinued with no news. Rumors is that the author earned enough from investment to decide quit the job. Comparing that to something who wrote about economy and trading but failed in investment, well...
Black Rock Shooter 2010 I always thought Hatsune Miku Project DIVA has a BRS outfit, seems I remembered it wrong as I found neither in Future Tone or MEGA 39's.
黒執事 2008 Yes, my lord.
東京ESP 2014 ESP themed stories never gets old! In fact that would be the only reason I watched this.
ベン·トー 2011 One of the ordinary life theme topic in very interesting narration. These days I always eat the sushi set from supermarket, and reminds me of this one.
上野さんは不器用 2019 It is just too strange to watching this!
Kill la Kill 2013 A TRIGGER production. It is just so good in every aspect. The theme of clothing is also worth to think about.
OVERLORD 2015 One of the very unique of its type, the orginal novel is excellent, while the anime merely meets the expectation of a picky reader.
だがしかし 2016 A very good introduction to the ordinary snacks avaliable in Japan.
GOSICK 2011 It is only until lately I realized the title actually means Gothic. It gives a very different presention of the orginal novel.
ガンダムGのレコンギスタ 2014 This one is so good that I cannot avid praise it. Although it is still a Gundam selling anime, there is a lot previous Gundam series reference in it. And I just love how a types of detailed filled in that gives the real life feeling.
機動戦士ガンダム THE ORIGIN 前夜 赤い彗星 2019 The story of 赤い彗星 was too familiar to me that it is so exciting to see this story been retell. シャア・アズナブル is the most famous masked character in GUNDAM series.
六畳間の侵略者!? 2014 I heard that the Chinese translation is way better than the original novel.
ロクでなし魔術講師と禁忌教典 2017 Very classic story with a solid character design. It is frequent to see the type of story that a strong warrior decides to do some different job while retired in a young age. However what is special here is the young warrior is not the talent but someone who is clever enough to work out his weekness.
紅殻のパンドラ 2016 A very charming android and girl anime. I would say it is almost magical girl in science fiction setting. The original character design was done by 士郎正宗 who is the author of Ghost in the Shell. Actually the story happened long before Ghost in the Shell.
アサシンズプライド 2019 Despite the title suggested assassin, the theme is not very related to it, it is more like homeschooling teacher. The setting is interesting as the story happens in a world completely without daylight. Story is depressing enough that I would not even surprise if bad end happens.
アスタロッテおもちゃ! 2011 Well I'm also 23 when watched this so I had strange feelings that I'm too old now. The anime has many original plots, and a proper ending due to the limitation of span, so I strongly recommend you to also read the original manga. Did I say ロッテ is featured by 釘宮理惠?
Plastic Memories 2015 I have almost forget about this but the FLAC archive on my computer has reminded me to write about this. I was fascinated by all kinds of robotic girl romance anime and this is one of them that use the destined loss of memory as a theme.
GREAT PRETENDER 2020 It is not surprise to me that the ending song has been streamed on aNONradio. Recent years there are many Netflix founded anime, usually two seasons with a complete story line, and most of them are of good quality to me.
転生したら剣でした 2022 Who can resist cat girl? I'm surprised that it is so long until I find this type of story about protect and train someone.


Since the list has been grown big, I think it starts to be a good idea to split the list by years of writing. That does not mean I would not revise any old entries, it is just such separation makes my editing work easier.

Title Year Description
Chainsaw Man 2022 The original manga was too famous to be taken to compare with the animation. Overall I still enjoy the feeling to have the voice as an addition. I quite like some of the ending songs (each episode gets an unique ending song).
ゆるキャン△ 2018 There are many anime productions focusing on touring. Camping is one fantastic topic. Unfortunately it is not likely that I will visit there any soon. Nadeshiko is right the type of girl that I like.
Witch Craft Works 2014 It was the very refreshing gender bending type of story to me. Who doesn't like a girlfriend that is reliable.
食戟のソーマ 2015 Cooking, especially food culture in Japan, makes this series enjoyable to watch. One of the authors is specialized in cooking that makes the plot much realistic than say, 中華一番!.
異世界美少女受肉おじさんと 2022 Another gender change theme fantasy story I have watched. For some reason we just associate this with a snack bar brand because of the shark mascot's teeth.
Bochii the rock 2022 It is the first time I enjoyed high school girls and band theme. Now, 下北 has become a more famous place.
Another 2012 One of the very rare non-light novel works. Warning, there is super natural power inside.
アクダマドライブ 2020 A cyberpunk flavor dystopia crime motif drama that has a very intense plot. I call it cyberpunk because the stage is set in post third world war Japan.
COP CRAFT 2019 The first thing I noticed is the deluxe use of light effects. Also the opening theme song gives me a 90's city pop feeling. The theme of alien city, police, feels nostalgic. Were you also confused why he only wears mask at home? Meanwhile, you may have notices several production quality drops in some episode, but the overall story is still making it worth watching.
えびてん 2012 It is recognizable to me only because the character design is make by the same artist who made illustration for へきようがくえんせいとかいぎじろく.
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt 2010 Almost legendary.
Arpeggio of Blue Steel ~ARS NOVA~ 2013 It is he most impressive to me because of the modified model of I-401 that matches the appearance the one appeared in anime, revealing Gravitational Cannon and luminous paint. The story it self is about a conflicted nature of Mental Models, of excellency compared to other CG SF anime.
Knights of Sidonia 2014 It is impossible to resist the combination of giant robots and gain aliens. The background setting is very detailed and interesting.
A.I.C.O. ~Incarnation~ 2018 It largely exceeds my expectation of a fine SF production, and has all the nice elements of a consistent and reasoned story. There are no reason to reveal the answer to the puzzles, so I think it should be left to the viewer to investigate.
Occultic; Nine 2016 I would consider this one as one of the hardcore science fiction. It has been a long while since last time I have the feeling of the thrill on my spine. Also the speed reading is very impressive.
究極進化したフルダイブRPGが現実よりもクソゲーだったら 2021 This probably explained why I like Soulborne like games. I guess the character designer also just like the Disgania series too much.
86 ―エイティシックス― 2021 This has the most abusive cinema scene, which formed an exceptionally great storytelling. The theme is unified around what have done wrong should not make excuse for wrong doings happening. The director is keen at using speechless scenes to contribute to emotion, and the use of interlude music is fantastic.
便利屋斎藤さん、異世界に行く 2023 The "power mage" meme was too famous. I really appreciate how this the original comic was completely modeled after a serious dungeon crawler rule book but still gives a warm emotional feeling for the story part.
Un-go 2011 This is a great recreation base on a series of detective novel, preserving the base story while altering the character and background settings.
[懺]さよなら絶望先生 2009 This is the third season of さよなら絶望先生. It really doesn't matter which season you watch first, but do expect to watch it several times. It is similar to Paniponi Dash! Note that anime is an excerpt from the original manga.
地獄楽 2023 It is like the Momotaro story that mixed with Japanese executioner culture and Oedo time Samuri and Shinobi. Full of blood and love.
Cyberpunk: Edgerunner 2022 What is Edgerunner? It is just an alias to Cyberpunk. I had not played the game before, but the animation is still enjoyable to me. The game seems only have English and Mandarin vocal, and the Chinese localization is actually very good. As in the anime, for me there is no reason to listen to English dub, since the Japanese voice acting performance is definitely better. And be ware that it has a bad ending as it the a story prequel to the game.
異世界おじさん 2022 I have almost forget this because of how long it took me waited for the release of last episode. Ordinary Isekai story from a very unique perspective, that is, how would an otaku from 20 years ago would response to Isekai venture.
魔王学院の不適合者 2020 Even though this is one of the titles that would make be doubt if worth a try but it is actually good! The story has fast pace without any redundancy. The Demon King is always stylish, and there is a little surprise at the end of the story. I enjoyed all the elements from this anime.
江戸前エルフ 2023 This is about otaku culture all the way up to Eto Jidai, and it would be a good exercise if want to learn Japanese. Even though it is about elf is it still about ordinary elf.
六花の勇者 2015 While the name is a bit misleading to me, the actual plot is solid fantasia detective genre, and the answer to the challenge has been given at the start.
liar . liar 2023 Feels a bit rushy on the story telling, the overall canned style character design is okay even interesting. The two theme songs are decent.
Lv1魔王とワンルーム勇者 2023 Devil King and Brave, the good old combo, in a modern day and ordinary setting.
Build Divide 2021 It is rare for a TCG anime to be so interesting,
いぬやしき 2017 It has been a long time since I have watched the last anime that can bring such a strong emotional impact to me. It is the brutal crossfire of violence and love.
SYNDUALITY Noir 2023 I mean, you can probably find most of the classic robot anime traits from it, Kundere girl, masked man, etc. So at least they have known the real deal looked like.
VALKYRIE DRIVE -MERMAID- 2015 To be honest the ending sound is so famous that I have not watched the anime itself before.
境界線上のホライゾン 2011 Yet another time that I have listened to the character song album many times before watched the anime. Like いぬかみっ! there are many nudists scene. The first half of season one told a heavy story and can see very deep personality development of many characters in such relative short length compared to novel. Not as terrible as Paniponi that needs an Encyclopedia to understand but it is recommended to ignore the terminology.
銀河英雄伝説 Die Neue These 2019 This is the anime remake of the novel. Of course the old anime has more reception but I cannot find it so who cares. A very nice introduction to the novel, in my opinion.
ひきこまり吸血姫の悶々 2023 Come on, who doesn't like cute anime girls?
鴨乃橋ロンの禁断推理 2023 It is so hard to find good detective anime that I have to accept this.


Unfortunately I have little time to spend on anime recently, but I'll keep on updating this list. We have made this far!

Title Year Description
[C] THE MONEY OF SOUL AND POSSIBILITY CONTROL 2011 The now very rare type of science fantasia. The battle strategy is based on financial terminologies, but there is nothing hard to understand.
PLUTO 2023 Science fiction from last century, this is what I'm talking about! This is the story remake of Atom, which is why the story looks familiar but also strange.
DEVILMAN Crybaby 2018 The first Netflix sponsored anime I've watched, that set too high a standard. SPOILER ALERT: everyone dies.
マッシュル -MASHLE- 2023 It is not a surprise you'll find many of the elements looks familiar. Also I guess this shows the trend of JUMP comics recent years. I can also see the anime director of the second season has many good thought.
ダンジョン飯 2024 This is one of the few exceptions that I still find the anime interesting to watch after had viewed the manga.
真の仲間じゃないと勇者のパーティーを追い出されたので、辺境でスローライフすることにしました 2021 "Not the real companion" was a meme, originated from a JRPG that the party members says when exile the heroine from the brave's party. It was be said the author of the novel is one of who disappointed by that game. Also, this is actually a love story.
対魔導学園35試験小隊 2015 Magitek themed dark fantasy, and everyone in the team are strange people, and cute girl transforms to augmented suits. It is really hard to deny.
姫様“拷問”の時間です 2024 Hehehe, is it really that hard to resistant these foods?
治癒魔法の間違った使い方 2024 Has masochism become the trend again? Unfortunately no, but to me it is a joy to watch getting tortured.
魔法少女にあこがれて 2024 You know, if the title features "magical girl", then it is definitely not normal magical girl anime.
Bartender 2006 Yes, after almost two decades the anime got a remake. But lets talk about this special one. The adaptation from the comic has weaken the personality and story development and concentrate character backstories into individual chapters that highlights on the customers. The intro song feels really good, but the presentation of the anime it too dramatic, stage focused, and the narration is more than the performance. The use of CGI and real scene is very adventurous in my opinion. And don't missing the outro where the real life mixing of the signature cocktail of the episode. Also surprise, there are some interesting original contents or improvisation, or maybe twist and fusion there.
即死チートが最強すぎて、異世界のやつらがまるで相手にならないんですが。 2024 Promise me, don't use cheat on game next time. This is one of the anti-pattern thing, so you already know the deal.
新世紀 GPX サイバーフォーミュラ SIN 1998 This is probably a perfect example of how cool science fiction anime would be back in late 90's, when almost everything was done with handing drawing.
TIGER & BUNNY 2011 It is because of the recurrence of super hero theme reminds me of this. It is kinda fun to see commercial brands on CG animated hi-tech superhero suits.
武装少女マキャヴェリズム 2017 Very interesting harem story based on martial art theme. Who's the true love? A lot of emphasis are on the where the accent is place when read a word. Because of health problem of the artist the comic didn't make it long, otherwise I think there is high potential in the story
My Home Hero 2023 No, there is no hero. Although the story is a very heavy adaptation based on manga, it tells a complete crime story from the perspective of a father.
とんでもスキルで異世界放浪メシ 2023 Ordinarily relaxing, ordinarily good. We have doggy and cute slime.
Blue Period 2021 Find happy, be simple, and give up. I would say not everyone would feel and find exactly the same, but there are enough interesting take away.
Summer Time Render 2022 A balance between suspension, horror, combat, literature, and island mythology. 顔芸 is part of the story and you must not taste it. In my opinion the ending is not the perfect happy story, but I'm open to it.
悪役令嬢なのでラスボスを飼ってみました 2022 Spicy sweetly leijou, one of a kind.
Guilty Gear Strive 2021 Strictly speaking this is the in-game exclusive 3D animated cut scene but they really nailed it to have the great vibe of anime. They have created lots of depth on every characters, even the bad guy (pun intended). The story has reasonable setup and development, and I'm almost impressed this is a rare good ending story.
GRISAIA: PHANTOM TRIGGER 2019 Only 2 episodes? Game promo? Not a problem at all since it shows the charming point of everyone, I mean, the point everyone is normal people of the school while they are also special agents.
Sonny Boy 2021 Humm I guess it gets too blur and not easy to understand. The most motivation to drive me watch it through are the cats. The plot is most close to pure fantasy to me.
Wave, Listen to me! 2020 The voice acting is the most hilarious part of it. Unfortunately I do not have a good voice line, but I still want to be radio DJ.
陰の実力者になりたくて! 2022 Might be too of a chaos. The English pronunciation is quite sexy in my opinion.
戦隊大失格 2024 Another retrospect attempt this year. The character setting in on the interesting side.
変人のサラダボウル 2024 On some perspective this gets really realistic... But this is really local touristic promotion anime right?
推しの子 2023 The topic is controversy but the manga managed it well and the animation is a elevation by adding emotion through voice acting. Idols are made up from a perfect lie, in the hope that it will become truth.
勇者が死んだ! 村人の俺が掘った落とし穴に勇者が落ちた結果。 2023 It was a good "just for fun" type story. You don't have to be a hero to become a hero.
Levius 2019 Different from the original comic which is more or less like magic the anime adaptation is more of a focus on the steam punk setting.
回復術士のやり直し 2021 Also know as the Brave with a glowing stick...
盾の勇者の成り上がり 2019 What if you are the most useless member in the party, and it turns out you are actually not the most useless.
Strawberry Panic! 2006 Here it is the most wonderful, most unrestrained, most selfish love, and the pursuer of it. The specific character design of heroine has a vibe of the doll from Bloodborne. The use of piano and organ composition shows the simplicity on the numbers of instruments used, never comparable to complexity of any later anime, can still get an adequate hit on the spot.
The World God Only Knows 2010 There is a lot of detail about how the animators paid much attention to its presentation. Even though the story is mostly relevant to galgame culture, there are tons of references to retro gaming, references to other anime and popular culture, each heroine has music composed specifically for their characteristics, bold usage of transition scenes that perfectly renders the character emotion, and enough depth on meta level storytelling from the writing of scripts.
謎の彼女X 2012 Scissor? Sun Burn? Drip play? Almost sounds like hentai but absolutely normal. I really like the deep voice line of Urabe, which I think is like ordinary girl which is very unique among the TV anime heroines.
Robotics;Notes 2012 A light weight science fiction themed robot anime. Even though, it contains all the essence of robot animes.
俺は全てを【パリイ】する 2024 There is something I like about it, which is the idea of a combination of weak skills. However the execution is somewhat meh.
NieR:Automata Ver1.1a 2024 As a fan of NieR: Replicant I find this also very enjoyable.
Detroit Metal City 2008 Oh this crazy shit! Aka, how to compose metal song. The core of this comedy is eventally a tragic young men who can only be accepted through his inner ultimately mad personality. The recreated music is faithful and really good, btw.
Double Decker! 2018 Spiritual continuation of Tiger & Bunny A fine production and you can immediately tell who did the character design.
デカダンス 2020 Very compact but well outlined story. I would categorize this as Mecha even though it is probably not and only vaguely science fiction.
機動戦士ガンダム 水星の魔女 2022 Probably not everyone went for Sesbian Lex. I think the story is still very solid and consistent in quality as GUNDAM series I've watched. After years I can still resist the charm of GUNDAM anime. I think the idea it convey is Human desire the power to take revenge, even when the cost is their own life. Some of the concept and MS design is awfully similar to Armored Core 6 and cannot stop make me laugh.


Last year I've still managed to make a long list, I almost ran of old TV series to watch so I broke the rule of not watching the new anime. Let's see what happens this year.

Title Year Description
人間不信の冒険者たちが世界を救うようです 2023 An anti-pattern story but ended up unexpectedly patterned. I really wish the story development can be a bit longer, I guess. Besides these light novel titles are getting much longer.
gi(a)rlish number 2016 One of the strange meta topic anime. Now you know what is cute and you want to slap right on the face.
Maou 2099 2023 The idea of Cyberpunk X Isekai is very impressive but in the end the story is meh.