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The original CLtL2 in high quality typesetting.

What's special about this version?

The book was available as a free PostScript file at CMU AI Repository, however, I remembered that version has a serious text box overflow that affects readability, and the equal sign was typeset weirdly.

The first edition of the book was already out of print, and I believe the second edition was never actually printed since the LaTeX source indicates it is still under revision.

This version has the correction I made by typesetting from the originally available LaTeX source, in a Times Roman like font matches the printed version, and uses Letter Gothic Bold for lisp code. The chapter title are now also set in ISC Eras.

Recently I have borrowed the original printed book, which enables me to further improve the typography.

However, the page number inadvertently mismatches the originally available free PostScript as a result that original font metric information is not available. I got lucky enough that after a few tweaks of TeX parameters the table of contents matches the printed version. Still, the line breaks won't always be exactly the same.

This version also has a correct index at the end, generated with InvisibleXML and XSLT, then manually edited to exclude errors. The index is currently missing. After checked if pagination fully matches, I'll start work on it.

PostScript version

How did you do that?

If you have tried to compile the LaTeX files of the book, your TeX processor would probably tell you that this is in an old version of LaTeX, and failed to compile that.

I struggled with this situation, too. I once thought to develop my own parser to convert the LaTeX files to other markups.

The interesting part is, although LaTeX has been evolved drastically and losses its backward compatibility (which is why I dislike it), TeX itself hasn't changed much since then. So it is still trivial to compile the old LaTeX 2.09 with current TeX on Unix like platforms.

And there are two files named small-latex.tex and small-lfont-times.tex in the LaTeX source that was intended to replace corresponding files in LaTeX 2.09 distribution. Which the font file as a hint I managed to recover the font used in the original version.


In addition to the authors and editors of this book, thanks to Donald E. Knuth for his timeless TeX typesetting engine, and contributors and maintainers of CTAN online TeX archive to make this work possible.

PDF bookmarked version

text/html; UTF-8 (quoted-printable)


This is the final version of the Common-Lisp-PDF file downloaded via your homepage. The depth of this bookmark has two levels, viz. the chapter level and the section level, as for the subsection level and subsubsection level, I ranged them at the same layer as the section level. Thanks for your magnificent job.

Best Wishes,

Alex Lii

application/pdf; base64

Common Lisp_The Language...